Sunday, June 15, 2008

We all are a little Irish, aren't we?

I am still at the Art Museum and I had a pleasant suprise. Friday evening is meet, greet and be entertained and I was by the music of Scythian and a glass of chardonnay! Scythian is described as a "unique hodgepodge of Irish, Celtic, klezmer, and gypsy influences". And since I am from Nashville, I could hear the bluegrass influences. Believe me, the Art Museum was not a stuffy quiet place, because people were clapping, stamping and dancing, children were off their ADHD meds and the flow of alchohol made you think that you were in a pub, instead of place of high culture.
The day was one of emotional highs and lows. I loved the granduer and architecture of the buildings along the Parkway, but was brought back to reality when I saw a homeless camp on the back side of the Youth Study Center. I had to reflect about homelessness because this building is scheduled to be torn down and in its place will go the Barnes Museum. The homeless will have to find another place to go. Some of the rooms in the Art Museum caused me to be reflective and pray, because they were so peaceful. One such room was The Indian Temple.
So, in all, I had a great day, but, my ankles were so swollen from all of the walking. My sister laughed when I had to bounce down the steps on my bottom!

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