Saturday, May 31, 2008

Meet me on South Street

"Meet me on South Street" is the name of a popular song of the 1960's that I heard on the local radio and TV dance shows. In fact, by 1969 and the early 70's I was dancing every Sunday afternoon at Wagner's Ballroom with the tunes spun by Jerry Blavet. Now Jerry is a phenom of that era with specials on PBS! I took it easy on Thursday and in fact I don't know if I am going to make my plan of seeing Philly on $10 per day. I spent $16.35 on day 1 for lunch and transportation, didn't spend anything walking the neighborhood on 2ND day, but spent $18.10 on day 3! I was to meet a friend for lunch at Essene Natural Food Store. He addresses the issue of poor nutrition through holistic health strategies and has wonderful ideas concerning the optimization of the body's energy systems. Check out his website at I had to catch a bus and then transfer to the Broad Street Subway to South Street and walk from Broad Street to 4TH Avenue and then over 1 block to Bainbridge. The last time I was on South Street, it was filled with visitors and clubs. I am told that some of the clubs have moved and on closer to the river. You can get some information about South Street on the video below. After a leisurely lunch, we walked through Independence Square, which was full of tourists and school groups. It was more crowded than I remember and in fact, streets were closed to accommodate the tour groups. We caught the subway back to North Philly by cutting through The Gallery, one of the 1st malls in Philly. I will be back to Center City because there are still so many sights that I haven't seen and plan on visiting.

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